
Posts Tagged ‘San Diego Tea Party’

Dear Readers:  Last night, I had a great discussion with President of the Citizens for Self Governance President Mark Meckler and CANTO TALK’s Silvio Canto Jr.  Today, I want to share with you an OPEN LETTER TO BOB FILNER, the San Diego Democratic Party Mayoral candidate who smeared citizen activists with his most recent ad.


Congressman Filner:

In your latest attempt to undermine Carl DeMaio in the San Diego Mayor’s race, you have demeaned the citizens you ask to represent.

As the founders of the original Tea Party in San Diego, we are aghast at your latest commercial.  In it, you clearly demonize those who actually hold you responsible, as a Congressman with federal budgetary responsibilities, for spending their taxpayer dollars. And while you may omit the truth from such advertisements, we will not allow your claims to stand unchallenged.

Therefore, here is a list of facts we now share with our fellow San Diegans:

  1. The Tea Party is in no way keeping women from seeking or obtaining any reproductive service they can now legally receive in the United States — nor do we support any efforts to do so. Social issues are not part of our fiscally conservative agenda. We support, instead, the First Amendment, and dry attempts to force religious institutions to go against their faith and tenets. Here is part of the oath you took as a Congressman: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.”  Shockingly, it includes this particularly key amendment.
  2.  We are not trying to take healthcare away from every American.  We believe that the better way to address problems related to medical care availability is through free market solutions.  Furthermore, we do not support regulations that force a specific product on citizens or penalize them for not buying said product.  Additionally, as it relates to health care, we ask this question of you: Why did you vote for a plan that takes $716 Billion dollars away from the program that the thousands of seniors you profess to represent have come to rely upon?
  3. We admit freely that we wish to close the Department of Education. We stand for smaller, more sensible government.  Test scores show that nationalizing education has been a failure.  Also, massive amounts of money are squandered in redundant programs and personnel.  These results makes the Department of Education comparable to other government run programs, like the US Post Office and Amtrak, which spend considerably above budget and/or do not deliver an adequate standard of service. We believe tax dollars going for education should remain at the state and local level, and that our state and its cities are better placed to direct programs that ensure a solid scholastic future for our children.

Frankly, you have lost all touch with what average citizens face every day with the high cost of gasoline, housing and health care. For example, we do not forget the “reasonable profits tax” you proposed for gasoline, which would have resulted in horrendous price increases for Americans just because you want to promote green-energy crony capitalism.  Furthermore, we are very aware that your donors include special interest groups such as labor unions, certain health care industry services, and teachers unions.

Simply put, your special interests are not in the best interests of San Diego citizens.  We wish to remind our fellow citizens of this fact.


The co-founders of the Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition:

Sarah Bond

Dawn Wildman

Leslie Eastman

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Dear Readers: While my hero, Captain Capitalism, is off taking a much needed break on his version of Calypso’s Island, he has kindly asked me to contribute a post.  I pondered the topics, and decided to try and explain the unexplainable to his vast and savvy audience.

As a Goddess, you might think I would try to explain women.  And while I am pleased to grace the “manosphere” today with my decidedly female viewpoint, I decided to try to lift the veil on an entity more troubling: California voters.

Many of you will recall that the “big red wave” of 2010 stopped at the Sierra Nevada.  Why did California voters choose as Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown while most other voters chose more sensible options for their states?

Here is the reason: In this state, you will find that many in Democratic Party leadership are corrupt; however, Republican politicos tend to be both corrupt and incompetent.

I would like to offer several examples.  Many of you are involved in citizen activism through Tea Party groups.  I am a “Palin Democrat” who helped organize the first San Diego area Tea Party in Feb. 2009, as part of the first nation-wide protest event.  The local Republican party attempted to hijack this activity, making promises about locations and supplies they had no intention of keeping.  The logo our group created was usurped as well.  Later on, after the state GOP selected politico neophyte and charisma-deficient candidate Meg Whitman as their gubernatorial candidate, her staff called California Tea Party organizers and basically told our citizen activists exactly how we were going to help her campaign.

She did not bother to take questions regarding her positions on illegal immigration or global warming, which were issues over great concern to my California compatriots on that business call.  She was neither informative nor gracious.  Subsequently, there was little enthusiasm or involvement from our state’s grassroots conservatives.  The result is as you see: Governor Brown (who, now that several cities have declared bankruptcy, is trying to up-end green-based restrictions on businesses).

Thanks to six Republicans in the California Senate and Assembly, the largest tax increase was passed on this citizens on this state.  The former chairman of the state GOP, Ron Nehring, is reported to have said: “We will take over the Tea Party or destroy it.”  The San Diego County chairman spends his time hacking the Twitter account of his Democratic Party counterpart, resulting in the suspension of his Twitter account.  Needless to say, given the quality of the competition, California has truly become a one-party state.  In fact, the most thrilling political development has been that the Libertarians have taken over a former GOP office in Sacramento: If a third party can succeed anywhere, it is most likely in this state.

Some supposed “Tea Party leaders” have tried to tell us how to deal with the Republican Party, based on their own (probably better) red-state standards.  However, in this state, the usual rules of political sanity do not apply.  So, we Tea Party peeps have got to make it up as we go along.

Now, is it time to despair of we in the Left Coast? No, I say to you.  Californians have the initiative process, and during the last one, our voters said no to a tax increase on cigarettes (a sin tax, which would have normally passed).  All the BIG spending measures were passed before 2008; after 2009, not so much.   Citizen activists have gotten a new measure on the ballot to fight against the political use of union dues.  We are so active, that some power-crazed members of the Assembly have introduced bills to make the initiative process more challenging.

As a Democrat, I have an advantage over many of by GOP or Libertarian friends: Fellow Democrats are more inclined to share their thoughts with me.  So, I can tell you all that I have dialoged with (perhaps about 50) are very unhappy with Team Obama.  Some will not bother to vote, some will vote Romney, and only 2 will vote Obama (focused only on the abortion issue).  No, Romney will not win this state – but the margin he will lose by will be substantially less than McCain’s results in 2008.  And, as I suspect these same margins will hold across the country, I prophesy that Obama loses by a landslide.

The biggest Tea Party news recently was the victory of Ted Cruz in Texas.  However, the most significant story from that evening went unreported:  The Hispanics did not show at the polls.  My friend and talk show host Silvio Canto has the complete details (here is the link — http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cantotalk/2012/08/03/todays-message  ).  I suspect that California’s vast Hispanic population will also fail to show this November, too. (MUT Note;  Silvio is the Cuban version of the Dos Equis man, so please check out his show on BlogTalkRadio.com).

The Captain has broken my heart, by saying he will not come out to California because we drive him crazy.  I do understand – but I will keep a candle burning at the Shrine of Flaming Capitalism in hopes I might persuade him to give us a second chance, based on the general election results.  Watch our propositions – if we reject the Brown Tax Increases, this will be a Tea Party win.  Also, the San Diego mayor’s race may produce our future equivalent to Scott Walker (the candidate, Carl DeMaio, is awesome).

One last item:  I am grateful to be so favorably mentioned on the “Manosphere”.  I have another friend in this realm who has written a brilliant series on the “Age of Arthur”, describing in detail the transition from a Roman province to a medieval kingdom.  It’s truly by a man for men, so check it out: http://deadliestblogpage.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/the-age-of-arthur-part-sixteen/

Finally, as Captain Capitalism likes “Big Books”, I sent him an image of mine as a way to say thanks for his continued support of my Shrine!

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UPDATE:  Turns out Dawn Wildman is NOT speaking, as she explains here:  BILBRAY CALLS OBAMACARE TAX A “USER FEE.”

I was invited to speak on behalf of SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition , the first tea party group in San Diego, at a rally this morning to show the tea party’s disgust with the Supreme Court’s decision on the Constitutionality of ObamaCare.  Congressman Brian Bilbray was the keynote speaker at the rally, and we were supposed to be showing our outrage at yet another government agency choosing liberty sucking policies over the Constitution. Hey this is why we started the tea party here, so I was primed. I had my Thomas Paine quotes ready to go and with renewed spirit I was polishing off my speech the night before, aiming to get across two key points about the ObamaCare Taxes.

Then a friend sends me a link to a story in a local rag with quotes from Congressman Bilbray and the announcement that he is now a tea party guy. Really? Where was he when we were phoning, faxing and screaming at him as the Chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus? Where was he when the vote for the Patriot Act was happening? He was voting on side of the mediocre RINOS and playing to all principles except the tea party. And now his quotes indicate that the Congressman thinks that one of the new ObamaCare taxes already implemented on tanning booth business owners, is a user fee.


Dear Readers: I go away for a few days to Las Vegas, and find that Obama takes “Betting on America” as his new slogan:

I’m confused: I thought Obama hated Vegas.

Anyway, given the pathetic unemployment numbers, and the fact more Americans obtained disability than a job, I wouldn’t be betting on Obama for the win in November.

Actually, here is something Obama should read a lot intoSoCal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC) President Dawn Wildman will be a featured speaker at the “Repeal Obamacare Tax Rally”, which will be held from 9 am – 12 noon, Saturday, July 7, 2012 at the San Diego County Administration Building (1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA). The focus of the rally will be the 20 new taxes imposed on American citizens by Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, also known as ObamaCare.

Dawn Wildman, President of SCTRC: While I am still in shock that the Supreme Court upheld this huge expansion of government overreach, at this point, the solution can only be political. That means that our group, and Tea Party and Citizen Action organizations around the country, will focus on the fact that people will now be taxed for healthcare that will ultimately limit the choices they have and the quality of care they get. We will now push to get Executive and Congressional leadership at the national and state levels that will force repeal of Obamacare.

Leslie Eastman, SCTRC Media Director: There will be over 20 new taxes imposed under Obamacare. Some examples:

  •  Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals: $50,000 per hospital if they fail to meet new “community health assessment needs,” “financial assistance,” and “billing and collection” rules set by Health and Human Services. With nebulous regulations, and the Obama Administrations contempt for private charity functions, these institutions are taking a hit.
  • Tax on Innovator Drug Companies: $2.3 billion annual tax on the industry imposed relative to share of sales made that year. That’s going to take the money out of research and employment for highly skilled and educated researchers.
  • Starting next year, there will be a raise in threshold for Medical Itemized Deductions from 7.5% to 10% of adjusted gross income. Currently, those facing high medical expenses are allowed a deduction for medical expenses to the extent that those expenses exceed 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income; this level is increated substantially, and waived for taxpayers 65-yearrs or older — in 2013-2016 only!
  • Starting in 2014, anyone not buying “qualifying” health insurance must pay an income surtax. Again, given broad definitions and tight enforcement, millions of Americans will be charged this tax.

Representatives from Stop Taxing Us, the Oceanside citizen action group, will be there. Congressman Brian Bilbray is slated to be the keynote speaker.

Meanwhile, here are a couple of pics of my Vegas trip — other than these, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!  🙂

The preferred food and drink of the Goddess of Capitalism:

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Dear Readers:  It is hard to express the joy I felt when hearing the news that Gov. Scott Walker rocked the recall election, blowing-out his challenger and sending a strong message about how taxpaying Americans feel about union thuggery.    At times, the written word just doesn’t suffice.  So, here’s an image that represents how I felt  last night:

I was delighted to see that Carl DeMaio will be in contention for Mayor this November, opposing the odious Bob Filner.   Fiscal sanity made a big return in the Golden State, as pension reform won not only in San Diego but it much bluer San Jose as well.  It seems our politically connected union-leader-lead-opponents, as in Wisconsin, are going to use the courts to challenge the voter-passed reform measures.   Current San Diego Mayor, Jerry Sanders, predicts that DeMaio will get the Walker-recall-treatment if he wins in November.

In fact, Californians are so unmoved by calls for tax hikes, they rejected the usually easy-to-pass “sin tax” on cigarettes to fund another behemoth bureaucracy.  It seems the vote was quite close, and the advocates are not conceding defeat.  I would like to think the California Tea Party Ballot recommendations put out by the San-Diego Local Order of Bloggers (SLOBs) were helpful in ensuring this tax-hike got spiked.  I can’t but think that the tax increases Brown intents to thrust on the ballot in November will get a similar treatment.  Interestingly, a pay panel is slashing the Governor’s salary, along with state lawmakers, by 5% starting this December.

Here are some related  thoughts from my fellow SLOBs:

Also, Charles Caesar has a nice round-up of other California June 5th election highlights:

In San Diego, during a conversation with a young establishment Republican, we commented, “we are tea partiers here to make sure the good guys win.” The look of alarm was on his face was disarmed by my friendly smile.

The election results were terrific with one major exception. First, the good news:

  1. Carl DeMaio, a San Diego mayoral Republican candidate and fiscal reformer won, but will be in a clearly defined run off against establishment Democrat Bob Filner.
  2. State Proposition 29. Increased cigarette taxes failed with 51% voting against.
  3. San Diego Proposition A. Bars the city from requiring Project Labor Agreements on municipal construction contracts passed decisively (58%)
  4. San Diego Proposition B. Reformation of  San Diego City Employee Retirement Benefits passed overwhelmingly (66%).
  5. El Cajon Proposition D. Proposed Charter City passed (57%). Grants the city of El Cajon increased flexibility in it’s budget.

The bad: State Proposition 28. The deceptively worded expansion of term limits was passed.

Getting back to the video highlights:

And, if all of this awesomely awesome news weren’t enough, there seems to have been a major defection in the Democratic Party: BILL CLINTON HAS GONE ROGUE.  Hillary is 44 has the absolute best analysis on this subject:

Bill Clinton’s candidates badly beat up Obama’s candidates last night in the primaries. Bill Clinton in the past week declared he “liked” Donald Trump (you know the guy who beats up on Obama and regularly calls Obama a Kenyan), trumpeted Mitt Romney’s “sterling” business record, demanded the election discourse be a Bain-free zone, and put down a marker for Obama to state specifically what he has done and what he will do if reelected.

Bill Clinton is no dope and Bill Clinton has been running campaigns since the George McGovern days. Bill Clinton knows more than anyone about campaign messaging and Bill Clinton knows that what he has done is take an ax to the Obama campaign message.

Finally, no celebration is complete without the HITLER PARODY VIDEO.  Word Warrior has the Youtube, with a fabulous take on last night’s events:   Civil Servants are supposed to serve the public; not lord it over them. But over time, the roles have become reversed; with the public seen by Unions and their hand-picked politicians as a cash-cow to be milked to dry.  Well, in most states the cow is running dry!

Yes, the Tea Party scored major victories yesterday — even in this sapphire blue state.  Truly, this is the first day of November 2012.

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Dear Readers:  Went and voted first thing today — easy in, easy out.  According to the poll workers, it was a very slow morning here in the Golden State (unlike Wisconsin, which is reporting over 80% participation).  They attributed it party to mail-in-voting (about half of our precinct already voted) and partly to non-thrilling offerings in national-level races.  So, to spice things off, I offer this perspective on California:

Because life will never be dull in California, even if it will be overly taxed and expensive, here is a story that may inspire more population relocation to another of our 56 states: Rattlesnake bites increase, venom more toxic

More San Diegans are being bitten by rattlesnakes and the venom seems to be getting more toxic, health officials said Monday.

Western Diamondback rattlesnake. — Associated Press

“While San Diego County is seeing a rise in snake bite cases each year, the more alarming factor is the toxicity of the bite,” said Dr. Richard Clark, director of the Division of Medical Toxicology at UC San Diego Health System.

Interestingly, it seems Resident Obama is campaigning more aggressively in California than in Wisconsin. According to Breitbart: The Obama campaign has not sent out an email reminding Democrats to vote in Wisconsin’s Tuesday recall election, even though it sent an email urging California Democrats to vote in California’s primary, which is on the same day. I guess Obama hasn’t heard of our local efforts on behalf of California’s native son. It seems I am not the only Democrat unhappy with the Once.

Fellow SLOBs share their thoughts today:

  • WC Varones: What I’m watching: Wisconsin, obviously. The second most important election this year. The polls are looking good for Gov. Walker to defeat the union machine. Let’s hope they are right and he wins convincingly.  Locally in San Diego, Props A and B should win; it would be a huge financial and governmental setback if either failed.
  • B-DaddyI played high school football and tonight feels like Thursday night before an important Friday game, not the big game, but an important one we need to win. Team taxpayer is favored to win two important contests tomorrow, the Wisconsin governor’s recall and Proposition B in San Diego.

Chris Reed asks: Will San Diegans stand up to Sacramento bullies? We’ll find out Tuesday.  He also has details on mayoral race, especially in regards to CarlDeMaio and Nathan Fletcher, that are will worth reading.

The mayor’s race has the attention of many in this state, including Cal Watchdog:

Dumanis lags, but polls are otherwise close, making a November runoff certain, and organized labor has gone all out to try to keep {Carl] DeMaio from advancing. Driving the animus: The 37-year-old Georgetown graduate has been a powerful advocate for basic changes in how government works, pressing for outsourcing, an end to generous defined-benefit pensions and a renunciation of the pay practice under which workers get automatic “step” raises many years just for showing up on the job.  This assault on the San Diego City Hall status quo has produced a vicious response from individual union members and union organizations. DeMaio and his supporters were taunted and harassed while gathering signatures for a sweeping benefits reform measure that’s on Tuesday’s ballot as Proposition B. The first-term councilman, who is gay, has also been baited for his sexual orientation and subjected to an ugly whispering campaign. Last week, the city police union began airing a grossly misleading attack ad that implied DeMaio didn’t think the families of dead cops should get survivor benefits.

The good news is: Team SLOBs have had thousands of hits on our ballot recommendations, which will help mitigate the vile union tactics being used.

MUT Note: I actually had a chance to talk to Scott Sherman, who is running for City Council District 7. I was happy to say that I had already voted for him (and so did Horemheb), and he seemed gratified to hear so. After being represented by Marti Emerald, I am looking forward to the upgrade.

Anyway, if you haven’t done so, go out and vote. Then, for the history-fans among my readers, check out Word Warrior’s Age of Arthur series (part 11 of the fabulous epic is up). If the results of today’s voting is good, I plan an Egyptology-rich entry in the next few days to celebrate.

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Dear Readers:  HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY.  Given that I am prepping a feast for a couple of my favorite SLOBs, I can’t fully address this matter in the excoriating detail I would like.  Know, then, I will be delving into this subject Monday.




So Cal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC) is the original home and organizers of of San Diego tea party events and activism, including the first local tea party on February 27th, 2009, annual Tax Day Tea Parties, and over 40 rallies, protests, petition drives, film screenings, and educational seminars.

We are not affiliated with, nor have we worked with the newer organization titled “San Diego Tea Party.” We are not familiar with self-proclaimed “spokesperson” for that organization, Michael John Kobulnicky of Lemon Grove. He has never been an organizer, speaker, or volunteer for our company or events. We do not know what his actual involvement is with the other tea party organization. We are not familiar with the Mission Valley Tea Party that Kobulnicky reported to have founded.

Leslie Eastman, SCTRC Media Director states: What I find fascinating is that the some in the media wish to rush into reporting that a person is a “Tea Party Leader” or otherwise active member without fully vetting the subject whenever there is a potential criminal case. A simple background check would have found that Kobulnicky essentially took a leave from the “San Diego Tea Party” in January and had neither interacted nor worked with them since that time. Furthermore, a fair-minded reporter who was well-informed about “Tea Party” activism would recognize that there are no “Tea Party Leaders”. Some individuals may proclaim this status; however, anyone following today’s citizen activism would be astute enough to view such claims with a healthy degree of skepticism.

This is a blatant example of the blatant double standard taken by some journalists. There have been dozens of brutal rape cases associated with the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Specifically, those crimes have occurred in camps during their designated protest activities. Yet, many press reports have minimized brutality associated with the dozens of reports that are known. And the news reports don’t try to paint the suspects as “Occupy Wall Street Leaders.”

So Cal Tax Revolt Coalition is an organization founded and run by women, and we consider rape and all forms of sexual assault to be violent, unacceptable crimes. We expect anyone found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of serious, violent crimes to be sentenced accordingly. We trust that the San Diego Police Department will follow the case fully and professionally, and that all due process will be observed and justice will prevail.

Finally, we are praying for the victim and her family at this time as we know she is the one who needs our attention, not the alleged perpetrator of the crime.

The co-founders of the Southern California Tax Revolt Coalitions:
Sarah Bond
Chief Executive Officer

Dawn Wildman

Leslie Eastman
Media Director

DISCLAIMER: Please The Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition, LLC and Tea Party Patriots are not associated with the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Libertarian Party, or any other political party or entity.

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Dear Readers: The SoCal Tax Revolt is issuing a press release today (click HERE for a copy that your group can use), which is a “Call to Action” to urge stoppage on California Senate Bill 810 (the falsely tagged “Universal Healthcare Bill”). The press release is presented below; a copy of a fax form that you can use to correspond with your California senator is available by clicking here.

Note: Introduced in February 2011, Tuesday is the deadline for passage of SB 810. According to CalWatchDog: Surprising many supporters, SB 810, authored by San Francisco Democratic Sen. Mark Leno, didn’t get enough votes even from his own party to pass the “Medicare for all” bill. Perhaps the projected $250 billion annual cost of the government-run healthcare system weighed heavily on the minds of lawmakers.


*** This Bill outlaws private health insurance in California.
*** It will create at least 20 new CA Government agencies.
*** Bureaucrats will decide which treatment if any you receive for illnesses.
*** It will cost the taxpayers of California $250 billion dollar to start this bureaucratic nightmare.


San Diego, CA – The SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC) is joining other Tea Party groups throughout the state in organizing a citizen “call to action” in order to stop the passage of California Senate Bill 810 “The California Universal Health Care Act of 2009”. It seems that California’s legislators are more interested in resurrecting an unpopular monster of a bill, as a previous version (SB840, SB 840 – “Medicare for All”) was tabled after it became the focus of protests from Californians concerned about the loss of choice and quality medical care.
Tea Parties throughout the state are informing their membership an anticipated vote on the reworked “Single Payer” plans in SB810 is slated for Jan. 31, 2012. Citizen activists are providing contact information and encouraging citizens who do not want a massive bureaucratic injection into personal healthcare choices to make their concerns known to California’s legislators.

The following statements are issued by specific group coordinators:

Dawn Wildman, SCTRC President: “This bill goes even further than the Obamacre bill to taking away yet more liberty for the citizens of California. And the boondoggle of this at $250 billion dollars is even more offensive to a cash strapped state as California. When will the ruling elite in Sacramento understand that the mere mortals, the taxpayers, are tired of funding their utopia?”

Leslie Eastman, SCTRC Media Director: “I am incredulous that with the implementation of Obamacare looming on the horizon, which supposedly offers healthcare solutions applicable to the entire country, our legislators are imposing something similar at this time for just our state. Why not see what issues arise with the national version first, instead of creating “fixes” out of whole cloth? SB810 provides no solid funding mechanism; the only way to implement it being the addition of more state public employees when we can’t afford the ones we currently have. A state-only plan will inspire even more Californians to flee this state – and those Californians tend to be the employers actually providing workers with health insurance plans. At least with Obamacare, the impacts affect all states equally badly.”

Sarah Bond, SCTRC CEO: “Massachusetts already has a state-only plan – Romneycare. It has been a dismal failure. The plan’s premise that “universal coverage” would force everyone’s healthcare costs down also is far from being realized. In fact, about one-third of Massachusetts residents said that their health costs had gone up as a result of the 2006 reforms and their spending on medical programs is 27% higher than the national average. Clearly, SB810 is not a cure for Californians already burdened by excessive regulations and a very high cost of living.”

Connie Lanzisera, Orange County Tea Party organizer: “Isn’t it suspicious that we haven’t heard anything from the private insurance companies in protest to SB 810? It makes me wonder, what are we missing? The private insurance companies would have everything to lose if this bill passes and yet total silence on their part.”

The following Senators have been identified for contact, in order to urge a “NO” Vote –

Christine Kehoe (Chair) DEM 916-651-4039

Mimi Walters (CoChair) REP 916-651-4033

Elaine Alquist DEM 916-651-4013

Bill Emmerson REP 916-651-4037

Ted Lieu DEM 916-651-4028

Fran Pavley DEM 916-651-4023

Curren Price DEM 916-651-4026

Sharon Runner REP 916-651-4017

Darrell Steinberg DEM 916-651-4006

Senator Michael Rubio (Fresno/Bakersfield area)
Email: Michael.Rubio@sen.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 651-4016

Senator Alex Padilla (Pacoima/LA area)
Email: Senator.Padilla@sen.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 651-4020

Senator Juan Vargas (San Diego area)
Email: Juan.Vargas@sen.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 651-4040

Senator Rod Wright (Los Angeles area)
Email: Senator.Wright@sen.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 651-4025

California has the second highest state unemployment rate; unemployed people tend not to have health insurance. The best way to achieve employment this is to encourage business growth. According to the Tax Foundation, California’s 2012 business tax climate ranks third worst in the nation. Additionally, California is already a generous state, in terms of benefits. For example, one in five people in Los Angeles County already receive public aid. As demonstrated in other states, allowing more people a “free ride”, in terms of healthcare coverage, will not reduce costs. These costs will be passed down to all Californians.

Adding a new layer of bureaucracy, which is intended to decimate private insurance options and direct people to government-run health-care, is not the direction our legislators should be heading. When people are the budget, it works only to harm the people our politicians are obligated to serve. We would be better served by representatives who would focus on allowing the free market to work properly.


The co-founders of the Southern California Tax Revolt Coalitions:

Sarah Bond
Chief Executive Officer

Dawn Wildman

Leslie Eastman
Media Director


A big THANKS to Mark Meckler — Across the Fence, for spreading the word! Check out – California’s Insane Governing Class Shoots for a $250 Billion, Single Payer Health Care System Outlawing Private Health Insurance. He notes:

I know many of you find it hard to care about California, but you should. If California completely crashes, it will drag the rest of the nation with it. Unfortunately, while it’s not “too big to fail,” and certainly shouldn’t be bailed out, it is too big to go down the drain without consequences for the rest of the country.

A big thanks, too, goes to Lipstick Underground — who will be on the LaDona Harvey show today to discus SB810.

I also appreciate Beers with Demo’s link, and direct you to his Brewer-Obama photo caption contest entry. It is golden.

B-Daddy expands on Roger’s WSJ piece on the mythology associated with Global Warming.

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Dear Readers: Lots of news to touch on, but I think all of the items I cover today have an underlying theme: Americans plan to offer stinging rebukes to statist establishment figures!

1) The Scorpion Queen. Tammy Bruce reports that after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s confrontation with Obama on the tarmac, sales of her book (Scorpions for Breakfast) rose 2.2 million percent.B-Daddy reports that the SD Rostra had a “caption this” contest for the now iconic picture; below is my entry:

Check Hillbuzz.org to see why this caption works out so well.

The consequences of the Brewer-Obama confrontation have been so negative on Team Obama that the President had to do damage control essentially using this time-tested argument: “Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes”.

2) Rebel Scientists Plainly Reject Faith-Based Global Warming Science.Many of you may recall my piece featuring the lecture of premier American scientist Roger Cohen. Scientists Challenge the Fraud and Emotionalism Behind CA’s Cap&Trade Rules

Left Coast Rebel then went on to feature Roger’s work in a premier Daily Caller series:
Global warming lies, damn lies and easy rebuttals

One of the biggest lies, and there have been many, about global warming is that there is “universal consensus”. Well, Roger and 15 other scientists have written a Wall Street Journal piece that debunks that falsehood, and hits several other prevarications as well. This piece for nationwide attention yesterday, as it was featured on the Rush Limbaugh Show. Here is my favorite part of this fantastic piece:

No Need to Panic About Global Warming: There’s no compelling scientific argument for drastic action to ‘decarbonize’ the world’s economy.

Candidates should understand that the oft-repeated claim that nearly all scientists demand that something dramatic be done to stop global warming is not true. In fact, a large and growing number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic actions on global warming are needed.

3) Florida Tea Party Groups Endorse Newt Gingrich. Legal Insurrection has been following the Florida primary carefully, and notes with increasing disdain the coordinated attacks on Gingrich from the establishment GOP.

As the Media Director for SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition, I can tell you from personal experience that most independent Tea Party groups are loathe to endorse a specific candidate — especially at the national level and especially with a such flawed candidate. However, the awful tactics implemented against Gingrich by the elite in the establishment GOP has generated exactly the kind of backlash that I thought it would. The elites in the Republican party have undermined Romney among grassroots citizen activists. Add this to the fact that the Florida Attorney General said Romney will be bringing Romneycare to all 50 states, I can’t see how a tea party participant can do anything else but vote for Gingrich at this point.

This bit from KT Cat puts it all in perspective: Mitt Romney Is Driving Me Out Of The Republican Party

And this chestnut is for any Palinista out there: Video of Newt defending Palin during VP candidacy.I will note that Newt’s vigorous defense of Palin in 2008 came at a time when the elite GOP Beltway types were running away from her.

4) Californians are organizing against SACRAMENTO STUPIDITY. Californians have recently been treated to lots of inane, new legislation from Sacramento. Mark Meckler has an update on the citizen-pushback on the proposed expensive and useless high-speed train: If Gov. Brown is Seeking a Legacy, Let’s Build a Statue Instead of $100 Billion High Speed Rail Project. Beers with Demos also has more updates.

Sadly, it seems the walls of sanity have been breeched in another area: California Votes to Mandate More Electric CarsI suspect a lot of green-based crony capitalism is occurring, and I plan to explore Brown and the Democratic Legislature’s financial connections to this work in the future.

Jerry Brown: Green-Dog Democrat.

The SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC) is joining other Tea Party groups throughout the state in organizing a citizen “call to action” in order to stop the passage of California Senate Bill 810 “The California Universal Health Care Act of 2009”. It seems that California’s legislators are more interested in resurrecting an unpopular monster of a bill, as a previous version (SB840, SB 840 – “Medicare for All”) was tabled after it became the focus of protests from Californians concerned about the loss of choice and quality medical care.

Tea Parties throughout the state are informing their membership an anticipated vote on the reworked “Single Payer” plans in SB810 is slated for Jan. 31, 2012. Citizen activists are providing contact information and encouraging citizens who do not want a massive bureaucratic injection into personal healthcare choices to make their concerns known to California’s legislators.

The following representatives have been identified as people who should be contacted so that a “NO” vote can be urged.

Christine Kehoe (Chair) DEM 916-651-4039

Mimi Walters (CoChair) REP 916-651-4033

Elaine Alquist DEM 916-651-4013

Bill Emmerson REP 916-651-4037

Ted Lieu DEM 916-651-4028

Fran Pavley DEM 916-651-4023

Curren Price DEM 916-651-4026

Sharon Runner REP 916-651-4017

Darrell Steinberg DEM 916-651-4006

Senator Michael Rubio (Fresno/Bakersfield area)
Email: Michael.Rubio@sen.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 651-4016

Senator Alex Padilla (Pacoima/LA area)
Email: Senator.Padilla@sen.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 651-4020

Senator Juan Vargas (San Diego area)
Email: Juan.Vargas@sen.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 651-4040

Senator Rod Wright (Los Angeles area)
Email: Senator.Wright@sen.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 651-4025


5) My stinging rebuke to Democrat Bob Filner. I had the privilege of having an email read by LaDona Harvey yesterday during the 4 pm hour: CLICK HERE FOR THE PODCAST. Her topic — Why San Diego Democrats aren’t going for Bob Filner for Mayor.

My main points:

a) I am a Democrat who is focused on fiscal responsibility and sensible spending for needed government services. This makes me a “Blue Dog”. Bob Filner said at a Coffee Party meeting a couple of years ago that Blue Dogs such as myself should be kicked out of the party. Apparently, unless you are a foaming anti-capitalist, abortion-supporting, statist he thinks you have no place in our party.

b) 2) His most recent act as Congressman was to sign onto a Reasonable Profits bill for the oil industry, which would have bureaucrats deciding what qualifies as excessive — and the tax rate in these profits could be as much as 100%. This is exactly the sort of attitude I want kept away from San Diego. I could seeing him going after local breweries for “excessive profits” because they charge too much for a gallon of beer. This attitude directly threatens the success of businesses and the fiscal security of families belonging to Democrats, Republicans, and all other Americans.

c) He is a crony capitalist himself. Just Google “Southwest Airlnes” and “Bob Filner” sometime to see what type of perks and benefits he directly enjoys at the behest of a single company.

d) Filner staffers think California Belongs to Mexico. No, at least not since 1846.

You can always tell the nature of a person by the surrounding personnel. I want Filner’s staffers nowhere near any office that can significantly influence this city.

I went onto make a further point: I am the co-founder of the SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition, the San Diego Tea Party group comprised of truly independent Californians and passionate citizen activists. While our group is not likely to give a formal endorsement, as we tend to support legislation and not specific candidates, I can tell you directly that most of the membership I interact with regularly all back Carl DeMaio. Our team of bloggers will be following Carl, and given the fact that he is the only one with truly innovative fiscal solutions to or economic problems AND he directly challenged the unions when they ran that hideous “petition signature fraud ad”, I can assure you our coverage will be supportive.

In conclusion, in homage to my favorite female politician in office today, I say: I AM WOMAN, FEEL ME STING.

You know, I might be A-OK with a brokered convention: JAN BREWER FOR PRESIDENT 2012.


A big thanks to Mark Meckler, for considering me someone sane who offers “consistently great blogging” — I am delighted and humbled.

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Dear Readers: I wanted to give you a heads-up that I begged Dawn Wildman to do the interview with LaDona Harvey regarding the California budget insanity yesterday. She did an amazing job, and is worthwhile hearing if you didn’t catch the original broadcast. (Click HERE to listen; her segment begins around minute 30).

And this is a helpful segue in how to recognize quality citizen leadership among various tea party groups. That is, people in a group should ask if their spokespeople are more interested in presenting the groups’ messages, or if they are there to promote themselves.

As a freelance journalist, I have directly seen the consequences of regular people exposed to a tremendous amount of media in a short period of time. If those people are well grounded and circumspect, then the experience is not detrimental to their character. On the other hand… well just take a look at Megan McCain and shudder:

So, continuing my Operation Steadfast series, here is the next segment of dialog between Patriot76 and myself:

Patriot76: Weren’t most of these organizations [i.e., tea party local, state, and national groups] initiated and organized by normal people?

Yes. Most still are. However, as Tammy Bruce notes, people exposed to sudden media attention can get publicity addiction. It occurs when a person begins using any and all occasions to get in front of a camera or reporter in order to become news.

Publicity addiction is, tragically, a common occurrence. For example, it makes people do things, such as convince themselves they can be the next Fox News Pundit after a gentle interview by one of the Fox News anchors. In one instance, media addiction convinced an activist he could be the next Governor of California with no political experience.

I became Catholic, in part, to focus on the having the humility necessary to avoid publicity addiction. I think I am mostly successful, though I really love going on Fox Business Network.

However, I will admit to one addiction. My name is Leslie Eastman and I am an Instalink addict. I love those spikes in page view. The adrenaline rush of realizing my punditry is going to be seen by millions of informed people around the world is thrilling. As Glenn Reynolds is an independent thinker, genius opiner, and one of the Internet’s most famous trailblazers, getting a link from him is an amazing experience.

I try to control it; so, I don’t email Professor Reynolds all my platinum punditry. Just most of it. 🙂 And I am totally emailing him this.

I would like to note I also suffer from link-addiction to the Anchoress, Legal Insurrection, The Other Mccain, HillBuzz, and the members of the San Diego Local Order of bloggers. I would also like to send a special shout-out to LaDona Harvey and Tammy Bruce for indulging some of this addiction as it relates to radio and podcasts.

I want to conclude with a compare and contrast to highlight my point. A while back, I was invited to do segments on Top Story with Chris Reed. It was a great honor to be asked. The theme was the local Tea Party views on the 2012 Presidential Primary.

Mindful that the SLOBs have a wide array of preferred candidates, I would confer with all of them to get a feel for what they were thinking. THEN I would mention the diversity of opinion.

On the other hand, it seems that Amy Kremer is going to go top-down in support of Rick Santorum. Santorum is not my cup of tea, and I am amazed any Tea Party national group would be so tone-deaf as to try and do a top-down endorsement of anyone from the current field. There is a vast diversity of opinion as to “electability”. Vast.

I wouldn’t do it. Then again, I am content being a happy asteroid in the galaxy of media rather than trying to be a mega-star. It usually doesn’t work out too well.

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Dear Readers: San Diego Tea Party group SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition has issued the following statement today. LaDona Harvey has kindly invited me on her show today at 3:30 pm to highlight this information.

SAN DIEGO, CA – The Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC) members have reviewed the information that Gov. Brown released regarding his 2012-13 budget plan. Unwilling to tackle the entitlement spending or platinum pension levels for state workers, he targeted the cuts on K-12 schools, state universities and courts (threatening them with substantial reductions if California voters fail to pass his $7 billion tax-increase initiative in November.) He also adds additional layers to our gargantuan bureaucracy.

Dawn Wildman, SCTRC President, offers this statement: “The Governor’s budget is entirely irresponsible, in light of the current economic situation. I am sure Californians do not wish to become the American Greece. Citizen groups across the state are poised to push-back on Sacramento’s current proposal. Interestingly, California is obligated under law to devote 40% of the budget to education. That being said, I find it very sad that Brown thinks the best approach to ensure his initiatives pass is to threaten taxpayers with their quality of their children’s lives.”

Leslie Eastman, SCTRC Media Director, offers this statement:
“Brown’s budget proposals are based on so many false premises that I hardly know where to begin. For example, the ‘cuts’ that he touts are very meager, indeed. Though he seems to trim just 1.3% from the total number of state employees, it is important to note the average pay for each state worker is about $80,000. Brown says this ‘sacrifice” will pare 9.2 billion from the budget; the real number is a substantially lower $240 million. The rest of the budget is filled with similar gimmicks, so I anticipate our assembly will be spending another long summer in Sacramento trying to pass a budget.”

Sarah Bond, SCTRC CEO, offers this statement:
Despite the fact their income dropped by 8% during our continuing economic unrest, Brown tags the Californians earning $250,000 a year as wealthy and wants to raid their incomes even more. Brown’s campaign will be they don “pay their fair share”; the truth is, they pay for nearly everything. It is god to remember the people in that income bracket are generally the wealth creators, unless they are public sector employees. California has lost over five companies a week to other states last year, and Brown’s scheme will mean more potential employers will relocate to business friendly environments.

New Agencies to be Created Instead of Dissolved: SoCal-TRC holds that there are too many redundant agencies within the state. Therefore, when it comes to spending proposals, we are opposed to the addition of new layers of bureaucracy, which can only further negatively impact the business climate of the Golden State. For example, there is a new Business and Consumer Services Agency that blends consumer affairs, “fair” employment offices, business licensing and inspection functions, and then adds the newly restructured Department of Business Oversight (which has never actually existed prior.) Individually, each of these agencies hinders the successful set-up and running of enterprises with very little consumer or taxpayer benefit. Brown also intends to establish another entirely new state agency, the Department of State Hospitals, which puts even more layers of paperwork and regulation between patients and healthcare providers. Furthermore, there are no solid plans for funding AB-32 (Global Warming Solutions Act) and the High Speed Rail System, both of which our organization decries as unnecessary and detrimental to the state of our State. Therefore, taxpayers and employers remain in serious of risk of being squeezed so hard we have an economic apocalypse.

For all these reasons, Brown’s budget is dead-on arrival, in terms of support from hard-working California taxpayers.

Thank you.

Dawn Wildman
Sarah Bond
Leslie Eastman

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