
Posts Tagged ‘2012 election’

Dear Readers: Please bear with me, as I indulge in a lot of Gallows Humor today. To start with, let me offer Blue Oyster Cult’s “Don’t Fear the Reaper” as my music offering for this week.

This post is not going to be a depressive blend of angst for the future and derision against people who selected the high-tax, big-state options. It is rather an embrace of one of my key philosophies in life: IF YOU FAIL, FAIL BIG. THAT WAY YOU RECOGNIZE IT’S A COMPLETE FAIL, DON’T BOTHER WITH USELESS EXCUSES, AND MAKE MEANINGFUL CHANGE.

I also plan to make the case that liberals have confused which party actually died Nov. 6th.

Laughing and joking about the Nov. 6th results is going to ease the pain, because it is obvious that there was a complete system failure and we are going to have to double down on blood, sweat and tears if we are going to get a solid independent conservative message to attract American voters.

I am noted for my gallows humor. When being carted off to for surgery after breaking my hip, I had my doctors laughing at statements like: “It’s OK doc — I didn’t need that part anyway.”

So here are some observations about where things stand today, and what the SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition and SLOBs will be working on for the next election cycle.

* GOP Reaps Its Surrender of Pop Culture

Hopefully, the Romney campaign is the last run by the DC consultant class. They finally had the full range of resources to run their playbook, and it fell woefully short. I remember Andrew always urged the DC GOP to tap into conservatives in Hollywood and the creative arts to engage in the pop culture wars. He implored them to use their skills to hone their message and outreach. Those efforts were universally rebuffed by the consultant class.

The time for “playing nice” with vague messaging and glossy graphics is over.

A fail this spectacular means that Karl Rove and the complete set of elite Republican consultants that were involved with this campaign should never be associated with an election again. Ever.


Legal Insurrection’s Professor Jacobson has a wry wit when it comes to analyzing the election results, and shares a similar thinking:

But after Tuesday’s Santa Claus election, in which a bare majority voted for more Obama phones and free contraception and abortions, maybe it’s time for a complete and dramatic reset of government.

Shrink it, pay for it, stop Santa Claus before he turns us into Greece.

I’m not endorsing going off the fiscal cliff yet, but it’s worth a discussion since we have lost the ability for four years to change the trajectory of economic destruction. Maybe it’s time for us to take our medicine while we still can.


The successful 2010 election was the fruit of active citizens at the grassroots level. The 2012 election was the result of tired tactics used by establishment Republicans — with an extra bonus of 2 GOP senatorial candidates thinking they were in the running for Chief Theologian of the United States.

“David Frum and those folks can continue attempting to blame conservatives and other people for the fact that they’ve put up Bob Dole, John McCain and now Mitt Romney,” {Ryan} Rhodes {Chairman of the Iowa Tea Party} says in response. He cites the case in Wisconsin, where Scott Walker ran as a Conservative and won, but Mitt Romney lost, arguing that it was the flip-flopping, not Conservatism, that cost Romney the election.


The progressive press handed the election to Obama in countless ways. All conservative campaigns should plan accordingly, and perhaps give some of the worst offenders like Candy Crowley the General Petraeus treatment.

And no Republican Presidential candidate should ever agree to be at a debate moderated by panelists who are aggressively liberal. C-SPAN can host a few events with a couple of non-political moderators to oversee the discourse — this is something that would serve the American public far better than the dog-and-pony shows that were 2012’s debates.

* Yes, we do need to have an effective Hispanic outreach program.

I can’t tell you how many times we have repeatedly suggested this very idea to the local Republican group — and been totally ignored.

I am working with Silvio Canto Jr, host of Canto Talk. He and I will be putting together a website that will take an article with a fiscally conservative message for a solid source, translate it, and promote it among the Hispanic community. We will be starting with an awesome post from Captain Capitalism: A Lesson in Economics for Immigrants

If you expect a political machine to do something specific, you will just be disappointed.

* The future at the Shrine.

I still will be blogging here, as I agree with Professor Jacobson that we need to promote smaller conservative blogs and this remains a great place for me to highlight Capitalist Heroes. However, I will be writing more for College Insurrection and, hopefully, contributing a few insightful pieces to Legal Insurrection.

I will also be sharing my Canto Talk experiences and history pieces!

Meanwhile, I will leave you with my three happiest thoughts about the election results.


2) HOT AIR’S OBAMATEURISM OF THE DAY CONTINUES. I love voting on their weekly round-up.

3. I will be praying more and at Mass quite regularly, which should make by blog-mother, The Anchoress, most pleased.

So, to conclude: My favorite Oingo Boingo song.

Yes, liberals have incorrectly identified the party that is truly dead.Just watch 2014 — especially as Obamacare provisions kick in and Americans start enjoying those Death Panels.

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Dear Readers: A quick show note — I will be on Canto Talk with Dawn Wildman today covering the travesty that is the California Election Outcome. As far as I can see, only two clear silver linings.

1) Barack Obama can’t get re-elected again.
2) The inane food labeling regulation got a big now.

Other that that: I welcome our new statist overlords.</
Meanwhile, I have a report from Professor Athena, the Shrine’s “Finance Insider”:


The most expensive and most would also argue the most divisive Presidential race in our nation’s history is over, and after digesting the results and demographics of voter groups, one thing stands out. The makeup of who decides elections in our United States has changed. Unlike so many conservatives who express bitterness and anger, I find myself sad. I am truly grieved over the path that has been so painfully chosen.

Young people tend to be more liberal, simply because it is much easier to believe theoretically in how ideal expensive social programs are, how easy it is just to live in peace with all mankind, and how “fair” things should be. Until maturity and reality of situations in young peoples’ lives and experiences change their idealized views, those opinions prevail. This happened to my own generation in the highly idealistic 1970’s, when we worked to stop a war, gain the vote for 18-year-olds, win equal treatment and wages for women, and depose a President who was proven to be a liar to the American people. Like we see with young people today, we wanted our own way with sexuality, drugs, anarchy. Until, that is, we went to work.

The affluence of our first real reform generation has been nothing short of astounding. Not only did we watch as teenagers the sweeping changes in civil rights and the 14th Amendment, we also watched Roe v. Wade and Title IX. We watched the Cold War evolve into the eventual fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of communism in the USSR. We had families and continued earning money and amassing wealth. As a group we earned much more than our parents. In fact, our earnings eclipsed exponentially that of our parents who fought and won WWII, the “greatest generation”. You might call ours the “wealthiest generation”. The generation after us earned less than we did (factoring in today’s costs and overall economy). The current generation, despite being better educated, cannot find enough jobs. They will earn much less, have a lower standard of living as a group, with much reduced chances for improvement over their parents’ achievements. They voted overwhelmingly for that on Tuesday. This is what I find sad.

The demographic shift we are now seeing is the biggest single factor driving changes we see taking place in America. Going forward, the national political conversation will not be about the “little things”. It will not be about free birth control, or legalizing marijuana, or what is “marriage”. It will all be about how there is not enough money. As it currently is in Europe. You can go to http://www.heritage.org/issues/retirement-security to read in detail about the threat of retirement programs’ costs. The baby boom generation may not be what turned this election, but we will be taking all the dollars out of the hands of those who did turn the vote for Obama to fund our retirement, along with our health care. As any life insurance actuary will explain, the biggest amount of health care dollars are statistically expended in the last 6 months of a person’s life. Health insurance costs are not going to go down, and especially not under Obamacare. Young people and minorities who think they voted for “free stuff”, as one major political news pundit terms it, will find they voted themselves the most expensive bill they have ever imagined. A decade from now, the baby boomers will no longer be earning. The “wealthiest generation” will have moved to senior citizenry, many drawing on public pensions younger people will still be working to pay for, using health care dollars and expensive services young people will be working to fund, and they will be drawing on their savings and potential estates to supplement what the inevitable rationed health care will not cover hence Obamacare.

The current “fiscal cliff” is to be sure a threat, most specifically to the credit ratings and continued deficit borrowing of the United States government and its currency. Congress may or may not find a solution. Yet it pales in comparison to the larger burden of the cost of an expanding federal government alongside a growing percentage of population who pay no federal taxes. Sooner of later, this “pushing on a string” no longer works, unless there is a reversal in the amount of tax revenue. This could happen, but only if economic growth exceeds 4% GDP, creating new wealth among the current working population. The longer deficit borrowing continues, the greater the pain threshold, and the more difficult to reverse. It will be magnified when (note that I did not use, “if”) interest costs for our deficit borrowing rise, something that has already occurred in Europe. By way of comparison, our 10-yr. Treasury is yielding about 1.70%, while Spain’s is yielding about 5.80%. We have yet to experience a “credit crisis” as they have. But, California and Illinois are our Greece and Spain.

The current generation of young people are being told they can improve their economic circumstances by borrowing from the federal government to attend college. While attending college is certainly a worthy goal, this choice is a sinister camouflage of “free government money” that is not fully explained to most of them. Student loan debt (FFELP) is NOT forgivable under bankruptcy law. Those who make that decision will therefore owe student loan debt that burdens them over several decades. Indeed, the current President and First Lady actually bragged to young voters that they had just paid off their own student loan debt eight years ago! This in sharp contrast to the “wealthiest generation” who largely did not borrow money that had to be paid back to creditors in order to attend college.

The U.S. credit crisis is almost irreversible at this point, and it should be said that the results of this Presidential election might not have done much to change its course. But, one thing is now more certain. As the “wealthiest generation” leaves the workplace in the largest exodus of earning power (and taxable current income) our nation has ever experienced, the generation who overwhelmingly voted for Obama can face the inevitable decline in their standard of living knowing they asked for it all.

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Dear Readers: Needless to say, my projections of a Romney landslide sadly did not occur. Fortunately, I was with a good group of friends — the SLOBs (San-Diego Local Order of Bloggers) — as the sad national and state results came in. IN fact, one of the best moments was hanging out at the Grant Hotel briefly with Lipstick Underground.

It turns out LU studied dance, and I did some professional dancing. She was the one who recommended Zumba to me, which has been a godsend. So, after a fitful night of sleep and disappointment, I kicked into high gear and went for a session. My mood picked up so much, that the rest of my analysis will be peppered with fun dance-oriented videos to lift the spirit. Here is something I was saving for the big win, but perhaps will lighten hearts now:

LU hopes that the liberal ladies are enjoying free contraception, because in 2014 our healthcare system is going to hell in a hand basket. In fact, our hero Captain Capitalism as a few things to say about the liberal ladies who voted for Obama.

No Rings for Liberal Women

In short, women, especially single women, heavily prefer to vote for socialism.

I don’t think they even know why beyond a “I want to help the children” or “spending money on the unfortunate sounds nice.” Subconsciously, even consciously, though, I believe they also like the idea of having a father/husband/provider figure in the form of the government in that it not only fulfills the financial-provider role, but there is no payment or consequences for such services. They need not to commit to any one man. They need not to be held to a certain set of standards by any one man. They need not rear their own children nor pay for their children. 100% freedom with 0% responsibility. In short, no earthly man can compete with the metaphorical “Supreme State Alpha Man” because we (unlike the state) do not have access to the entire financial resources of a $15 trillion economy.

As of today, this Goddess is taking Captain’s advice:


I will be having a lot more to say about feminist theology and its corrosive impact on Capitalism in future posts.

Turning back to my evening with the SLOBs, another favorite moment came when Word Warrior distracted me from the election results by turning the channel to a replay of the historic George Foreman/Mohammad Ali fight, giving me the background and details on the style. I do love a good history lesson — and I have a feeling this election will offer historic lessons. But, I digress. Suitably, Word Warrior offers a boxing analogy in his analysis today:

“We have an expression in prize fighting: Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit. Well my friend, you’ve just been hit. The getting up is up to you.” Ghost and the Darkness (1996); Michael Douglas’ character, hunter Charles Remington, to Val Kilmer’s character, Col. John Patterson

There is no disputing that we conservative Americans took one on the chin last night. Our fond expectations of a Romney landslide victory went up like so much smoke. The best man did not win; but in the real world of adults, that sometimes happens.

Perhaps this can become some sort of conservative “rope-a-dope“, allowing the forces of progressivism, political correctness, and statism to expend themselves into oblivion in the next 4 years? Which brings be to W.C. Varones’ post:

America chooses Socialism!

America has embraced socialism. And what’s done will not be undone. A continuing expansion of the dependency state will create a permanent voting majority for more dependency. More crony capitalism will direct more wealth to the politically connected, who will in turn use that wealth to further entrench their benefactors.

Beers with Demos comments on one of the saddest losses of the evening: We’re at a loss to explain Bob Filner’s victory over Carl DeMaio for San Diego’s mayor post. Two ballot measures on pension reform and labor contracting that won handily in June were vigorously supported by DeMaio. That should have been a leading indicator, right? That and the endorsement of a popular outgoing mayor. We honestly felt DeMaio would walk away with this thing by about 10 points so we guess we have some explaining to do ourselves.

B-Daddy features a Lord of the Rings video…which seems appropriate as we all live in Mordor now.

Across the country, our New York compatriot Lonely Conservative is following the extremely close NY-24 race, and also has a review of a detestable analysis made by Mr. Tingles himself: I’m so glad we had that storm last week because I think the storm was one of those things. ….The storm brought in possibilities for good politics.

I would like to ask Glenda Moore what she thinks about good storm politics:

A Staten Island mother is grieving the loss of her two young sons who were swept away during Hurricane Sandy. Searchers found the bodies of Brandon, 2 and Connor, 4, in marshland about 30 yards from where they went missing Monday.

KT Cat offers his predictions as to what will happen in 2014 and 2016.

It is all very depressing and deflating. The Republicans continue to fail at messaging among key demographic groups. For example, the local GOP had a party that featured a Dixie band. Not really something that would appeal to all sorts of voters, including young ones that contributed 80 electoral votes to Team Obama. My Zumba teacher played this today, and it made me feel so much better.

It seems Gangham style was the HOT Halloween Costume this year. Something like this should have been at the party. It is this sort of thing that might just attract a second look.

Finally, Legal Insurrection’s Professor Jacobson has a review of the status of “Operation Counterweight” elections.. A few successes — but it would be more helpful in the future if Tea Party candidates stuck to fiscal matters and didn’t get entangled in social issues in general elections!

I am blessed to be part of the Professor’s College Insurrection team. It gave me some motivation to be proactive, as the best way to get through the progressive hell we have unleashed is to keep going really, really fast!!!

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Dear Readers: While I don’t normally discuss my faith on this website, a few news items hit the inbox this week that give me good hope that Catholics, especially in the key battleground states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and (dare I hope) Michigan will pull the lever for Team Romney this Tuesday.

It also gives be an opportunity to share a photo of the Young Prince, who went through his “Arrow of Light” ceremony and now is officially a Boy Scout. You will note his arrow has 3 purple bands — one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Ghost. Of all the achievements he is has accomplished, he is most proud of earning the Catholic “Parvuli Dei” religious emblem — so the faith band is the largest on his arrow.

Catholics Turn on The One

Yesterday, the Romney campaign told reporters that it expected to win at least some of the “blue states” in which it is now competing with Obama in the Midwest, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The campaign did not give a specific reason for its optimism, but one thing these states have in common is a high proportion of Catholic voters. And Catholic voters have shifted dramatically towards Mitt Romney.

In September, the left and the media were exultant when the Pew poll seemed to show a surge for Obama among Catholic voters. He led by fifteen points, 54-39.

Today, that bubble has burst completely, and Obama is back down to a two-point lead, 48-46. (Few headlines this time from the mainstream media.)

Bishop orders priests to read anti-Obama letter at Sunday sermons

Joining the chorus of Roman Catholic clergy in Illinois criticizing President Barack Obama before next week’s election, Peoria Bishop Daniel Jenky ordered priests to read a letter to parishioners on Sunday before the presidential election, explaining that politicians who support abortion rights also reject Jesus.

“By virtue of your vow of obedience to me as your Bishop, I require that this letter be personally read by each celebrating priest at each Weekend Mass,” Jenky wrote in a letter circulated to clergy in the Catholic Diocese of Peoria.

In the letter, Jenky cautions parishioners that Obama and a majority of U.S. senators will not reconsider the mandate that would require employers, including religious groups, to provide free birth control coverage in their health care plans. “This assault upon our religious freedom is simply without precedent in the American political and legal system,” Jenky wrote.

I would like to give a shout-out and a big thank you to B-daddy, whose Weekend Music Chill is a homage to All Saints Day (which I celebrated at Ascension Catholic Parish, praying for many things — including the intersession of all my favorite saints for my family, friends and Team Romney).

Tomorrow, I will come back with a MUT MUSIC MIX that features my theme song of the week.

I would like to give a CANTO TALK shout-out, first to my dearest hero – Captain Capitalism, who has prepared a great post I will discuss more on Monday: A LESSON IN ECONOMICS FOR IMMIGRANTS. Since a good many immigrants are Catholics, a timely topic indeed! He will be on Canto Talk this afternoon to discuss (Click HERE for podcast).

KT Cat, one of my favorite Catholic pundits, has a great video posted: Dog the Wag.

Beers with Demos notes that Team Obama has been going with the unchristian concept of Revenge, on his post about Twitter trends.

To conclude, especially after the Templar’s music link, I would like to direct everyone to the post that touches upon battles, Chivalry, and a little bit of faith: Word Warrior’s next “Age of Arthur” installment.

Hail Mary, Full of Grace — I have been saying at least a decade of the Rosary for the Romnneys and Ryans since Oct. 1st, and will continue to do. Please, do what you can as well — fingers on the keyboard, boots on the ground, ballots in the box.

UPDATE: Ouch!… Only 45 People Show Up for Catholics For Obama Rally

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Dear Readers: A quick post to wish everyone a happy start to the Halloween Week.  Horemheb, the Young Prince and I are off to the Poway Rodeo for the Tournament of the Phoenix.  It should be quite an experience for this Egyptophile!

Meanwhile, I have some great posts to share from some of my own Knights in Shining Armor!

From Captain Capitalism – his thoughts on the continuing battle with extreme feminists: Why Communism Killed the American Muse

While a higher percentage of my posts could be deemed “Manosphere” the reality is that economics and The Manosphere (or the fight against feminism) are actually one and the same. And not only are they one and the same, I contend the most cutting-edge, evolutionary developments in economics are not in central banking, nor international finance, nor the demise of fiat currency. The furthest, most deepest front lines of this economic war between communism and freedom is where The Manosphere and feminism are duking it out.

Right off the bat it is not obvious how battling feminism is related, let alone, part of economics, let alone “the cutting-edge” of economics. And in all intellectual honesty it wasn’t until I sat down to figure out this post did I realize how they are indeed one and the same. But what originally alluded me to think the two were related was the fact my “transition” from economics to “Manosphere” was very natural. So natural, I didn’t even realize it was happening. So natural my readers didn’t know it was happening. All of the sudden my blog, as well as others, were writing about both economics and the Manosphere, suggesting the two were at minimum VERY closely related and tied together, at least philosophically.

B-Daddy – On the Democrats Battling with Themselves: Democrats Against Obama

I ask Democrats to pause a moment and think about what their support for Obama means for their party.  While everyone gets some partisan fever at this time in the election cycle, I think that Democrats have a lot to lose with Obama’s re-election.  Here are a few key issues.

  • ACA.  The Affordable Care Act will continue to be an albatross around the Democratic party’s collective neck. Time will reveal all of the sops to big insurance and big pharma that went into the bill.  It will eat into the party’s desired reputation as being against the excesses of big business.  When your party is seen as the party of both Big Business and Big Government you are toast.  Look at the 2006 Congressional elections and what happened to Republicans.  Opinion polls had shifted and found the GOP to be seen as the party of big government in polls and they got shellacked.
  • ACA. Again, because you know in your heart that countless regulations embedded in the law will drive up the cost of health care and tarnish government with the same heartless image that is now enjoyed by the insurance companies.  Being tied to the eventual demise of quality health care is not in the Democratic party’s best interest.  You would be better served by a repeal, after which you could propose a much simpler bill that prevented discrimination due to pre-existing conditions, guaranteed portability and subsidized insurance for those above the poverty line but still in lower income brackets.  Even though I don’t agree with this platform, it is guaranteed to be more popular than the ACA.
  • Kill lists, drone hits, never ending involvement in overseas wars.  Obama has sucked all the oxygen out of your heartfelt desire to be anti-war.  But how can the Democrats do so when they have a President that is continuing huge portions of the Bush foreign policy.  In fact, the Obama National Security Strategy could almost have been written by Rumsfeld.

Kevin Dujan — AN ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT MUST READ ESSAY ON THE UPCOMING DEMOCRATIC CIVIL WAR!!! DOOM ANTIDOTE: The Democrats’ Civil War Between the Factions of the Clinton Restoration and the Obama Remnant Begins November 7th, 2012

I’m amazed that few conservative writers seem to understand this, but the Democrat Party has been engaged in a protracted Civil War for many years now…I’d say going back to at least 2004. This internal struggle culminated in 2008, with the Leftist faction shunting aside the moderate Clintons and instead insisting Barack Obama be the party’s standard bearer in the last election (because the Left knew Hillary would do what she thought best as president, not what the Left demanded of her…while Obama would be a weaker and more malleable figurehead of a president). The Left held absolute power from 2008-2010 and did every crazy thing it wanted to do, after being exiled in the political wilderness for many years and FINALLY (at long last) having the ability to put into real-life practice every insane scheme these people concocted in academia since the Carter administration.

We all know what happened next, because Americans saw how far Left the Democrats veered and punished the party at the polls in the midterm elections. That was just a warmup, though, because on November 6th voters are going to decimate the Democrat Party with the largest rebuke in modern American political history. The Left’s pretending this isn’t happening because there never was a “Plan B” for these people; their whole operating agenda is predicated on the fact that the lefties are so much smarter than the rest of the country and that the way they intend to transform America (into a more European socialist style of country where the government decides what’s best for people) must be forced on Americans so that they can ultimately see how great it all is. The Left has normally maneuvered behind the scenes in quiet ways, pushing a little socialism here and the destruction of family units there…but under Obama they were allowed to not only let their masks slip but remove them completely and go absolutely hog wild during the Obama regime. The Left never anticipated defeat because it thought once it had the levers of power it would never allow them to slip away again…and the Left didn’t anticipate Americans YANKING back that power (and hopefully never again in our lifetimes allowing the Left to have it again).

K-T has a graphic that illustrates the LOGICAL CONCLUSION TO OBAMA’S CAMPAIGN FOR WOMEN’S VOTES. Warning — the graphic is THE SCARIEST ILLUSTRATION I COULD SHOW YOU DURING THE 2012 HALLOWEEN SEASON. WC Varones offers another graphic, also suited to the season but a little more humorous.And Beers with Demo shares an awesome political cartoon that relates to an absolutely horrendous tragedy and the fact we have an “Invisible Press”.

Finally, at his Deadliest Blogger Military History Page, Word Warrior offers the next installment of his “Age of Arthur” series — showing what a group a real heroes can do!

Arthur had arrived at Badon Hill, come fresh from his victories in the North against outlaws and Angle pirates (remembered by Nennius as the 10th and 11th of “Arthur’s Twelve Battles”: the Battles of the River Tribruit and the Hill of Agned). Atop Solsbury/Badon Hill, he could clearly see the Saxons swarming below the walls of Badon, less than two miles away.

Finally, to all my heroes out there:

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Dear Readers:  Last night, I had a great discussion with President of the Citizens for Self Governance President Mark Meckler and CANTO TALK’s Silvio Canto Jr.  Today, I want to share with you an OPEN LETTER TO BOB FILNER, the San Diego Democratic Party Mayoral candidate who smeared citizen activists with his most recent ad.


Congressman Filner:

In your latest attempt to undermine Carl DeMaio in the San Diego Mayor’s race, you have demeaned the citizens you ask to represent.

As the founders of the original Tea Party in San Diego, we are aghast at your latest commercial.  In it, you clearly demonize those who actually hold you responsible, as a Congressman with federal budgetary responsibilities, for spending their taxpayer dollars. And while you may omit the truth from such advertisements, we will not allow your claims to stand unchallenged.

Therefore, here is a list of facts we now share with our fellow San Diegans:

  1. The Tea Party is in no way keeping women from seeking or obtaining any reproductive service they can now legally receive in the United States — nor do we support any efforts to do so. Social issues are not part of our fiscally conservative agenda. We support, instead, the First Amendment, and dry attempts to force religious institutions to go against their faith and tenets. Here is part of the oath you took as a Congressman: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.”  Shockingly, it includes this particularly key amendment.
  2.  We are not trying to take healthcare away from every American.  We believe that the better way to address problems related to medical care availability is through free market solutions.  Furthermore, we do not support regulations that force a specific product on citizens or penalize them for not buying said product.  Additionally, as it relates to health care, we ask this question of you: Why did you vote for a plan that takes $716 Billion dollars away from the program that the thousands of seniors you profess to represent have come to rely upon?
  3. We admit freely that we wish to close the Department of Education. We stand for smaller, more sensible government.  Test scores show that nationalizing education has been a failure.  Also, massive amounts of money are squandered in redundant programs and personnel.  These results makes the Department of Education comparable to other government run programs, like the US Post Office and Amtrak, which spend considerably above budget and/or do not deliver an adequate standard of service. We believe tax dollars going for education should remain at the state and local level, and that our state and its cities are better placed to direct programs that ensure a solid scholastic future for our children.

Frankly, you have lost all touch with what average citizens face every day with the high cost of gasoline, housing and health care. For example, we do not forget the “reasonable profits tax” you proposed for gasoline, which would have resulted in horrendous price increases for Americans just because you want to promote green-energy crony capitalism.  Furthermore, we are very aware that your donors include special interest groups such as labor unions, certain health care industry services, and teachers unions.

Simply put, your special interests are not in the best interests of San Diego citizens.  We wish to remind our fellow citizens of this fact.


The co-founders of the Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition:

Sarah Bond

Dawn Wildman

Leslie Eastman

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Dear Readers: Some profit-center activities kept me from opining toward the end of last week, so I wanted to take the opportunity to let everyone know that CANTO TALK featured a great review of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, with guest Barry C. Jacobson (fellow SLOB and author at the Deadliest Blogger).

It seems that the leading Communist and Socialist powers would really like another young, inexperienced, and ineffective American President for the next four years: Chavez, Castro, Putin: Four more years!

The latest [dictator] to publicly announce his support for the commander-in-chief’s reelection bid was Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who this week assured he’d vote for Obama if he were from the United States. The America-bashing strongman made the announcement on state-owned television, saying “Obama is a good guy” and that if Obama was from Caracas, he’d surely return the favor by voting for Chavez.

Earlier in the year the government-official daughter of Cuban military dictator Raul Castro proclaimed her country’s support for Obama during a visit to the U.S. “I believe that Obama needs another opportunity and he needs greater support to move forward with his projects and with his ideas, which I believe come from the bottom of his heart,” Mariela Castro said during a cable news interview. …

That brings us to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who has eliminated most elections in his country, monopolized all major media and destroyed the political party system. … In a letter to a major newspaper, the president of a group dedicated to expanding freedom around the world points out that under Putin there has been an “across-the-board crackdown on civil society.” The piece goes on to ask: Will Obama stand up against Putin’s abuses?” Unlikely, now that the Russian dictator has extended his endorsement.

The UN and Iran also back Obama. And, as an extra bonus, it seems Putin is now testing his nuclear muscle

President Vladimir Putin took a leading role in the latest tests of Russia’s strategic nuclear arsenal, the most comprehensive since the 1991 Soviet collapse, the Kremlin said on Saturday.

The exercises, held mostly on Friday, featured prominently in news reports on state television which seemed aimed to show Russians and the world that Putin is the hands-on chief of a resurgent power.

Do you feel safer now than you did 4 years ago? I will point out that many Democrats are unimpressed:

This history review also got me thinking about what a sad state of affairs our space program has become, especially since President Obama took office and made it a Muslim reach-out program. For example, our American astronauts are forced to fly Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the space station.

Recently, Lipstick Underground had a great piece about how a vibrant space program brings the country together, which she penned after seeing the Endeavor park in front of its new museum location in Los Angeles:

The moment we got out on foot it was obvious the 100 mile trip was more than worth the $5/gallon gas and unfinished errands I left at home. Sure we could have just waited for the museum to open later this month. But the genuine excitement in the air was electric. This is a region of LA that has seen tough times in the past…that has a stigma of being much rougher and more dangerous than it really is. If it had not been the most direct route from the airport to the Science Center, it might not have been chosen by city leaders for this historic journey.

But it was.

And that made all the difference in the world.

These communities were trusted with the privilege of escorting a piece of living history to it’s final resting place…and they made absolutely sure it was the best choice the city and NASA could have possibly made. Anyone too nervous to head to the area out of fear of the unknown missed one of THE GREATEST days in LA history. Period.

And anyone who thinks the space program doesn’t matter, that it’s a waste of money, doesn’t know jack squat. When one of the most economically challenged communities in America, a community that one would expect would want tax dollars spend on domestic, not space programs, rolls out the red carpet and shows reverence for the Space Shuttle and the astronauts in-tow, it means that people really can be inspired…even unified, by profound acts of faith and courage.

Kids with Space Shuttle toys. Homemade t-shirts to commemorate the event. Every piece of electronic recording device known to man. Gasps and applause at first sightings. Strangers making sure kids got best viewing.

No one argued when they had to give up their long claimed ‘spots’ when organizers warned they were in unsafe locations.

We were on an elevated side street and the port wing passed close enough to touch…but nobody did. Not the families with excited kids, not the gang bangers, not the space geeks, not the photography junkies. The shuttle belongs to all of us and that is how everyone treated it.

Proud. Excited. Welcoming. Considerate. Joyful.

Granted, there is a good case that privatizing aspects of the space program is fiscally sensible. However, it is clear that President Obama has pretty much downsized everything over the past 4 years — including American prestige.

I think the voters are going to choose an upgrade in just a little more than 2 weeks. And with over 10,000 supporters showing up for a rally in the “swing state” of Florida, I think Americans are going to make a change that is going to be a big kick-in-the-posterior to those who want to keep us down!

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Mitt Romney, Alpha Male

Dear Readers:  I haven’t had a chance to formally opine about the Presidential Townhall Showdown.  I wanted to do so briefly, now.  I also wanted to offer a few links about the current status of the election.

I think Captain Capitalism linked to the shortest, sweetest analysis: Mitt Romney just told the President of the United States of America to sit down. And he did. Who’s the alpha male?

Finally, I must offer a “Goddess FacePalm” award to any female trifle who is buying the Team Obama inanity that the “Binders full of Women” remark by Romney during the debate was some sort of huge, watch-glancing, Poland-dismissing gaffe.  Any open-minded woman who listened to Romney carefully appreciated the initiative and out-reach he made for real women’s rights as Governor of Massachusetts.  Like the Big Bird meme, focus on it is lame and a huge liability.


On Nov. 6, silly girls will be voting their “lady parts” — the following graphic shows the issues upon which real women will be voting:

Shrine friend, Sitting On the Edge, has a great piece: Whatever Happened to The Sensitive Man? The good news is that he seems poised to dominate in less than 3 Weeks – alpha male style with a side of KICK ASS!

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WELCOME INSTAPUNDIT READERS! Embrace the cockiness (it’ll be our secret)!

Dear Readers: Schadenfreude is the German word that means: Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. (Roots, schaden = harm, freude = joy).

I suggest we all learn to embrace the term, as we will be enjoying a lot of it for the next few weeks!

Recall that I predicted the press would turn on Obama. Little did I realize it would happen so soon. One of his nastiest, most vile, odious supporters had this to say – Did Obama Just Throw The Entire Election Away?

I’ve never seen a candidate self-destruct for no external reason this late in a campaign before. Gore was better in his first debate – and he threw a solid lead into the trash that night. Even Bush was better in 2004 than Obama last week. Even Reagan’s meandering mess in 1984 was better – and he had approaching Alzheimer’s to blame.

I’m trying to see a silver lining. But when a president self-immolates on live TV, and his opponent shines with lies and smiles, and a record number of people watch, it’s hard to see how a president and his party recover.

To answer Andrew Sullivan’s question:


Now, onto MUT’s Question of the Day: Is it Possible to Enjoy SCHADENFREUDE Too Much???

William Shatner will answer:

AND DON’T TELL ME NOT TO GET COCKY! I join Hillary is 44 in some well deserved gloating.

Now, onto making the poll breakthrough into a historic landslide. I WANT TO HEAR THE PRESS USE THIS PHRASE NOV. 6TH.

Remember the hideous “we love you, 48%” post-Obama victory reach-out inanity:

Here is my proposal for 2012:


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Dear Readers:  A big shout-out and thanks to Legal Insurrection’s Bill Jacobson, who kindly joined good friend Silvio Canto and myself on Canto Talk to discuss the first presidential debate and other news (click HERE to listen). True to his word, Professor Jacobson immediately went to his keyboard and highlight the fact he could not identify that class-warrior-princess Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts senate candidate, did any pro bono work.

The team over at Legal Insurrection is also covering the ginned-up employment numbers, which are explained by an increase in a number of part-time workers.  Progressive are trying to tout that numbers based on people dropping away from the search for employment or seeking multiple part-time positions is a hallmark of a successful economy. HOGWASH! Every single independent-conservative activist has predicted that these numbers would be plumped-up like the pillows of a sultan’s favorite harem maiden.

The employment numbers lie. The poll numbers lie. The only numbers real in the Obama Administration are on his golf scorecards — and even those could be questionable.

Bonus! it seems that the Bureau of Labor and Statistics has Obama donors in all the right places.

At least two economists at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) have contributed to President Barack Obama’s campaign. Harley Frazis of Bethesda, MD, has contributed at least $2,000 to Obama and $9,000 to the Democratic National Convention over the last three election cycles. During his time at BLS, Harley has published a number of papers including his most recent, “How to Think About Time-Use Data: What Inferences Can We Make About Long- and Short-Run Time Use from Time Diaries?”

There are some other excellent posts that I have come across, which show Americans are onto this game and realize Romney’s debate performance on Wednesday was a “GAME-CHANGER”:

It seems that 70 million Americans were interested enough in the 2012 election to tune into the first debate.  There, they witnessed what the campaign would have looked like without the elite media filter.  That is why, despite the false numbers. Romney is going to win.  Here is evidence that the American people are not buying what Team Obama is selling:

(Add to the fact California’s gas prices are skyrocketing, and you have the makings of quite the blue state rebellion on your hands.)


Shortly after the Vice-Presidential debate in which Ryan trounces Biden, when it is obvious that the elite media meme is not being accepted by the American people and that most voters want a savvy, sexy second-in-command, the press will start to unleash its fury on Team Obama.  They will go over the White House like a pack of wolves.

As evidence, some of it has already started:

Never forget, when it comes to America media, only one thing is certain: It hates LOSERS more than REPUBLICANS

UPDATE: From one of our good friends — proof that the press has begun to abandon the sinking ship.

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