
Archive for the ‘WAR’ Category

“A people’s voice is dangerous when charged with wrath.” (Aeschylus)

Dear Readers: I think the chief legacy that Andrew Breitbart left citizen activists is the sense that when we are confronting our “elite betters” on the political or cultural field, we are in TOTAL WAR.

I am not talking about the usual snark exchange. I think the frame of mind I mean is best expressed in the following scene from “Dangerous Liaisons

Here is the set-up: The Glenn Close character (Marquise Isabelle de Merteuil) is essentially being bullied into sexual submission by the one played by John Malkovitch (Vicomte Sébastien de Valmont). She DOES NOT roll over and take it. She DOES NOT compromise.

Instead of being threatened, dominated, intimidated, or otherwise discomforted, Isabelle de Merteuil gamely responds with the single word, “War”…a twinkle in her eye as she does so. Cold, calculating, total war. Malkovitch’s character seems quite vexed.

WAR is the attitude we need to have during the next 7 months. VEXED is how we need to make our statist, progressive opponents feel whenever they engage us.

So, here are some useful concepts that I offer to help get us in the proper frame-of-mind:


Some classic leftist tactics have been on display recently, including the mainstream media’s hyped-up Kabuki drama that conservatives are making a grab for women’s lady parts and the elitist assertion that Obama’s “Critical-Race-Theory” mentoring is a non-issue. So, let’s take a look at the playbook they are using and formulate a game-plan:


* RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
* RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
* RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
* RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
* RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
* RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
* RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
* RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” (Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.)
* RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

I would suggest a good, healthy dose of Rule 5 is most in order: “Above all else, the Devil cannot stand to be mocked.” (C.S. Lewis)

2) CHALLENGE MEDIA ASSERTIONS, AND KEEP TO YOUR MESSAGE. Many of you have probably come across a story about Soledad O’Brien and her CNN panel attempting to paint Breitbart.com editor-in-chief Joel Pollak as a racist for making a point about Barack Obama’s support for a proponent of “critical race theory” during his days at Harvard Law School. Tammy Bruce analyses Joel’s response, which is essential viewing to any citizen activist who may face a hostile press:

To quote Tammy Bruce: It’s WAR!!!!

Tammy notes Joel’s excellent handling of the hostile barrage of hostile questions:

  • He keeps on message:  The real story is the “Critical Race Theory” component, hidden by the press.
  • He questions O’Brien herself:  The CNN team isn’t doing an interview to gain knowledge, but attempting to derail Joel’s message.  Understanding that he is in hostile territory, he forces them to “go outside the expertise of the enemy”.  They do.  Way outside.
  • He “keeps the pressure” on the CNN panel and “never lets up”.

3) IN WAR, THE FIRST CASUALTY IS TRUTH.  Therefore, do not respond to the polls that will be manipulated to discourage citizens — right up until the morning of Nov. 6th.  Laugh when the elite media replay Obama assertion that he created 3 million new jobs, and point out the real data in the comment sections of the news sites that report it.

Never give up.  Never give in.  Never give an inch.

Return fire: Obama has left us with a target-rich environment. Gas prices. Race division. Promoting voter fraud.Outrageous Attorney General clueless about at epic failure at Justice. Green hack science that only hurts the poor and middle class,and only helping crony capitalist connections. Senseless energy policy.Arab Spring. Pink Slime.

Know, also, that conservative voices are being silenced in anticipation of the fight ahead.  Friend of the Shrine, Lorraine Yapps Cohen, has had a couple of articles rejected from Yahoo for some pretty nebulous reasons. These articles are all a scientifically based take on why man-made global warming is a fraud.  Interestingly, the same articles were published on the “Examiner” websites. She is working diligently to expose the suppression of dissent — and I will keep you informed of developments.

In the meantime, I offer this piece to inspire us to carry-on the Breitbart legacy: WAR.


What Can Be Done?
Lorraine Yapps Cohen

Recent polls show Obama gaining strength among those already in or close to his camp. When a conservative asked his friends and relatives about the growing infatuation, they say “we love him!”  The conservative questioner asks over and over, “What can be done?”  Here’s my response:

You can enlighten Obama lovers that on these points.

1.  They are admiring a crook, a corrupt dictatorial leader, a socialist, Marxist, narcissist, egocentric snake charmer.
2.  They have been sucked into dependency on government.
3.  They follow a piper bent on destroying their freedoms.
4.  They show signs of dementia for the political values they hold.
5.  They revere a figure who uses racism toward his own aims.
6.  They follow a person inexperienced in capitalism, free markets, and business.
7.  They love a leader who speaks a compassion that’s absent from his actions.
8.  Their love is masking the Kool-Aid they’re imbibing.
9.  Their values have been warped by a mind bender masquerading as president.
10.  Their votes put a despot in power.

Ask your friends and relatives whether:

1.  They still have a job.
2.  Their income comes from government sources.
3.  They belong to a union.
4.  They pay any tax, and if so how much.
5.  Their children’s educations, medical care, and employment opportunities are their own responsibilities.
6.  Any actions they undertake are incentivized by anything but government.
7.  They have noticed the declining economy.
8.  They can’t say certain things in public any more.
9.  They can’t sing “Silent Night” in schools any more.
10.  They can get a 100 watt incandescent lightbulb any more.
11.  They skip the “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, or skip it altogether.
12.  A tear comes to their eye at the Star Spangled Banner.
13.  It’s okay to kill certain men, women, or newborn/unborn children under some circumstances.
14. They can fish, hunt, drive a car, open a salon, put on a new porch without getting some permit or license.
15.  They can pee in a pond and not fear environmentalist wrath….

….so that you’ll know how that “love” developed.  Challenge the “love,” because blindness is what it really is.  That’s what you can do about it, one voter at a time.

If we all did that a little each day, we stand a chance of kicking the bad guy out in November.  Let’s quit complaining, take back control, get to work, and get it done.


War is won one battle at a time.

SLOB Stories

When you do “WAR” around here, one naturally thinks of Word Warrior, who has a great historical/current-events write-up: ISLAMIC SUICIDE ATTACKS NOTHING NEW. In it, he notes a group that I had not known before:

The first time American officials and soldiers faced Muslim suicide terrorists was in the first decade of the 20th century, in the towns and villages of the southern Philippine Islands.

Following the Spanish American War, the United States took possession of the Spanish colonial territories in the Pacific; including the Philippine Islands.

Americans were soon facing a rebellion by the Muslim tribes of the southern islands, known as Moros. These had been fighting for their independence from Spain and the Catholic northern islands for some time. When America appeared on the scene, the Moros redirected their fury against us.

Details, including a look at some weaponry, are at his military history blog: MORO JURAMENTADO: SUICIDAL ASSASSIN OF THE PHILIPPINES. His post includes some fairly intriguing details: The juramentado would prepare for his mission by having his TESTICLES TIED OFF WITH COPPER WIRE! In a state of intense agony, the juramentado would spend the night working himself into a killing frenzy.

Lipstick Underground/Sarah Bond is interviewed by the San Diego Union Tribune regarding gas prices. The piece is: Anger over spiking gas prices aimed at Obama . The money quote:

Sarah Bond and her husband bought their home in Valley Center, about one hour from downtown San Diego, so their two young children could grow up close enough to nature yet not too far from their favorite destinations. But with gas prices soaring, they just don’t get out as much.

“It’s no more going to the beach, no more taking drives to the mountains. It’s school and groceries and what we could do at home,” Bond said. “We might as well live in Oklahoma for what it’s costing us.”

Other SLOB News items:

And from Mark Mecker: More Sanity from the Courts on Gun Laws – WA Supreme Court

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