
Posts Tagged ‘Feminism’

Dear Readers: I wanted to go on a major rant this week, but profit-center activities have precluded some serious venting about fellow members of my gender. This is fortunate, as I just learned some interesting information that helps vindicate the women of this country somewhat.

Item #1: The first recipient of the newly created Goddess Facepalm award is — Jessica Wakeman, the author of: The Soapbox: The Aurora Shooting & The Myth Of Men’s Obligation To Be Heroes

Here is a sampling of her post-modern feminist ramblings:

Three men died on Friday; their girlfriends did not die. It seems, from the stories we’re hearing from their loved ones, that they sacrificed their lives to save someone else. Their sacrifices are more touching, in fact, given the split-second nature of these men’s reactions. A soldier going off to combat has reason to anticipate they might have a reason to risk their lives. Not so for a young couple off for a night at the movies.

I can respect and be touched by these men’s sacrifices. But I’m also wary of some byproducts of the heroism myth, the idea that a few good men will have courage under fire and put “women and children first.” The Post crowed over these men’s “old-fashioned chivalry,” which are funny words to use, when you get right down to it. Why does masculinity have to have anything to do with heroic behavior? Their sacrifice was noble, sure. But in every telling of the “boyfriends risked their lives” story — and every boyfriend who then tells his girlfriend, “Sweetie, I would have done the same for you!” — there’s an implication that heroism is a gendered concept.

There is a galactic level of outrageous inanity in this entire post, of which the above is a mere fraction. By honoring Matt McQuinn, Jonathan Blunk, and Alex Teves, young men who died while protecting their dates from alleged shooter James Holmes, no one was casting aspersions on the women for whom they died nor any other woman involved in this or any other tragedy. There is every reason that their sacrifice and chivalry should be recognized for what it was — heroic. It is that type of valor that is iconic, which inspires other of both sexes in times of disaster.

There was no fucking need to “balance” the story to focus on women involved in the incident, and dilute what these three men did by drowning their deed in a deluge of “I-am-woman-hear-me-roar” buffoonery.

On behalf of my gender, I would like to offer an apology for Wakeman’s piece to men everywhere. And, Jessica, I would like to highlight a point that several of your many detractors made: Which women threw themselves in front of their dates to save their lives?

Item #2: As if this wasn’t bad enough, Captain Capitalism featured a piece that was absolutely frightening! Boy, Indoctrination Sure Starts Early

You know how in true intellectual honesty I worry time to time that the advice we give young boys may no longer be pertinent? That girls have changed since we were boys and that our advice today may actually hurt them? Then I see this and realize today boys need the Manosphere more than ever.

And this is  the piece to which he was referring:

Cute Kid Note Of The Day: Why Being A Girl Is Wonderful

Title: A Few Wonderful Things About Being A Girl

Author: One very wise 8-year-old

Why We Love It: Her DAD posted her “unexpected response” to the “assignment” on Reddit

All I can say is that the beta-male meterosexual from whose loins this girl sprung is going to be happy I am raising my 10-year old boy with a real sense of empowerment — through achievements in fencing and weapons use. It could be it is his daughter’s life my son  saves one day, by chivalry and not sex organs.

Item #3: Now, just when I was despairing of my gender, I read this great article at Hot Air: NJ: Team Obama hitting the panic button over shrinking gender gap

In the latest week-long survey results (July 16-22) from Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll, which sampled 3500 likely voters, the gender gap has fallen to five points (48/43) — but it’s only down to two points in today’s three-day rolling average (46/44). Meanwhile, Romney has a 13-point lead among men, 54/41, in today’s result, and a nine-point edge from the previous weeklong results, 50/41. When leaners are included in the three-day rolling average, Romney has a twelve-point lead among men, 55/43 — and a tie among women with Obama at 47/47. Among those women “certain” of their vote, Obama only has a one-point edge, 38/37. Among men certain of their vote, Romney leads by 14, 47/33.

Without that gender gap, Obama is toast — and he knows it!!! So, ladies, tonight’s lesson is this:

We DON’T need to step on MEN to empower ourselves. We need only STEP on ONE MAN…. on Nov. 6th!

Speaking of the “Manosphere”, I am grateful to Captain Capitalism for his support, as well as Word Warrior for allowing my comments to grace his MILITARY HISTORY PAGE. They help keep me in tuned with regular, alpha-type American men!

Also, Word Warrior has published his next installment, PART 14 – THE AGE OF ARTHUR! This is a fabulous analysis of the time-frame conjectured to be that of the real King Arthur. Read it, if just to annoy Jessica Wakeman, who has a problem with knights in shining armor. (Or, start with PART 1, and read through #14).

Finally, I was able to introduce Silvio Canto to Charles Caesar…which lead to a discussion of Marc Antony and Cleopatra!!!! Click here to listen to a great podcast!!! Silvio sent this joke:

On another one of their encounters, Marc Anthony comes out and talks to the Roman soldiers:

MA: “Men, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, the Queen will be joining us today for a trip up the Nile.”

The men cheered and sang the praises of the Queen.
MA then said: “The bad news is, she wants to go water skiing.”

Finally, here is a current news item involving the American Goddess of Awesome, courtesy of Professor Jacobson/Legal Insurrection. The hate directed at @SarahPalinUSA for her tweet-pic of Chick-Fil-a is an example pf the toxicity directed at the business for the personal beliefs of its owner. I hope the haters of the left are content — the official spokesperson has died of a sudden heart-attack, after trying to deal with the ensuing stress.

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