
It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this Wednesday, March 17th.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 12 noon Pacific/2 pm Central/ 3 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.

ST. PATRICK'S DAY - March 17, 2021 | National Today

This will be our annual St. Patrick’s Day show.

So, we will be having a little fun, on top of analyzing the news. For example, the Recall Newsom campaign has until the 17th to submit petition signatures. Well, it seams the luck of the Irish was with the organizers hoping to remove the current governor of California….as they already have achieved their original goal of 2 million.

It looks like that the Biden Bureaucrats have nixed South Dakota’s plans for a fireworks show at Mt. Rushmore.

Those Biden is now being sued my 12 states over his climate change policies.

So please join us and….

“May the road rise up to meet you/May the wind be always at your back/ May the sun shine warm upon you face …” uses everyday images to mean, may God remove obstacles in your journey through life.

It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this Thursday, Feb. 11th.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central/ 1 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.

We will be having our annual Valentine’s Day show. Of course, it much feature a mention of COVID-19:

You can write a letter from the heart, create a list of everything you love about one another, commit to journaling and writing down one thing you are grateful for every day, just to name a few examples.

For those in relationships, she recommends supporting your favorite local restaurant and picking up dinner. You can set the table festively, choose special music, and open that nice bottle of wine you’ve been saving.

For those who are single, don’t worry about missing out. Dulebohn said arrange a Valentine’s Day snacks and drinks with friends or family. Valentine’s Day is about love, and it doesn’t have to be romantic love, Dulebohn added.

We will also be featuring some updates from Legal Insurrection and California:

CA Gov. Newsom Recall Petition reaches 1.4 million signatures

Legal Insurrection launches ‘Critical Race Training In Higher Education’ website

Supreme Court Halts California Total Ban On Indoor Worship, Allows “Singing and Chanting” Restrictions

It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this Wednesday, Jan. 20th.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central/ 1 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.

It will also be our pleasure to have a guest Dawn Wildman, Director of the Coalition for Policy Reform. While we will cover the news, the focus of the show will be moving ahead in during the next administration. Dawn has a very positive perspective for independent conservatives, which she will be sharing with our listeners.

Additionally, we will be hitting current news:

Parler CEO John Matze Posts Message At Parler.com: “We will not let civil discourse perish!”

Using The Power of State Government To Address Big Tech Censorship

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Joins NY Gov. Cuomo on “Reopen Economy” Bandwagon

Dear Friends: It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this Tuesday, December 22.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central/ 1 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.

We will be covering a wide array of topics:

COVID-19 has Mutated, But Questions Arise Over Real Hazards of New Strain

Pompeo: Russia Behind Widespread Hack Of U.S. Government

U.S. Space Force members will officially be known as “Guardians”

We will have lots of wild work to do in 2021, so it will be great to start making plans with Silvio before the New Year starts.

Dear Friends: It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this Wednesday, Oct. 28.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central/ 1 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.

As we are nearing Election Day/Nov. 3rd, we will be talking about the spook-tacular news cycle, including:

California Gov. Newsom Lays Egg With Thanksgiving COVID-19 Guidelines

Amy Coney Barrett Sworn In As Associate Justice of The Supreme Court

Supreme Court Upholds Wisconsin Law Requiring Receipt of Mail-In Ballots By Election Day

More Biden Gaffes: Confuses Trump With President George Bush, Thinks ‘Free College’ Costs $150 Billion

Backlash against Big Tech censorship may destroy their business models, and “they will have no one but themselves to blame”

It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this Thursday, September 17.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central/ 1 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.

Silvio Canto

We will be covering a several hot news items, which can be consolidated into the heading of: ANTI-TRUMP CRISIS NEWS CYCLE.

The Atlantic’s Anonymously-Sourced Article Jump Starts The Permanent Pre-Election Anti-Trump Crisis News Cycle

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo: “Donald Trump caused the COVID outbreak in New York.”

“The Red Mirage” theory provides the justification for Democrat mischief post Election Day

I will also be giving an update on the California wildfires…

A pyrotechnic device at a gender reveal party sparked one of the California wildfires, burning over 8,600 acres

…and blackouts.

Thousands lose power in Northern California amid roll out of PG&E blackouts | Updates

So join us for a truly HOT show!

It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this Thursday, July 16.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central/ 1 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.


Silvio Canto

We will be catching-up with the whirling news cycle, in preparation for what will be a cyclonic election year.  To begin with, will will review Legal Insurrection’s battle against the “Cancel Culture”, as experienced by Professor William Jacobson:

In October 2008, I founded the Legal Insurrection, a conservative law and politics website. My non-left-wing politics, though separate from my teaching, sometimes led to attacks on my job. There were threats, harassment and demands I be fired for the first several years of the website, but those always came from off campus — until now.

That all changed when I wrote two blog posts the first week of June 2020, criticizing BLM as riots and looting spread around the country after the death of George Floyd. Now, I am facing cancel culture from within the law school.

In one blog post, I documented how the “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” founding narrative of BLM was fabricated after the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014. Even the Obama Justice Department found that Brown was shot after attacking a police officer, and did not have his hands raised in surrender or say, “Don’t shoot.” Yet to this day, I pointed out, BLM protesters chant, “Hands up! Don’t shoot!”

I wrote a second blog post harshly criticizing the riots and looting. I argued that such violence reflected a movement “led by anti-American, anti-capitalist activists … [who] have concocted a false narrative of mass murder of Blacks at the hands of police, when the statistics show otherwise.” I called on the federal government to track down “people who helped coordinate the violence.”

Whether people at Cornell agreed with my off-campus politics is beside the point. The purpose of education, particularly law school education, is to be able to debate the merits of arguments and through that debate come to a better understanding. But that is not what happened.

The response was a paradigm of cancel culture. There was a coordinated email and petition campaign by alumni to get me fired.

A group of 21 of my colleagues in the clinical program then denounced me in a letter to the Cornell Daily Sun student newspaper. While my name was not used in the letter, it was shared with students in advance of publication as a denunciation of me. The letter falsely accused me of supporting “institutionalized racism and violence” and threatened to “continue to expose and respond to racism masquerading as informed commentary.”

Not one of the 21 signatories, some of whom had been my colleagues for more than a decade and I considered friends, approached me with any concerns before running to the school newspaper and sharing their letter with students. It was reminiscent of so many revolutionary movements, where friends and neighbors rush to denounce each other.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, hardly a political conservative, criticized my colleagues, writing that their letter was “a chilling reminder of the rapid loss of free speech values on campuses,” not allowing that “critics of these protests could have anything other than racist motivations.” Professor Turley noted the intimidation factor, since “[t]o be labelled as a racist is devastating to an academic career and these professors know that … It is not just the death of free speech but our intellectual mission on university and college campuses.”

The dean of CLS also denounced me in an institutional statement that promised no adverse employment action because of my academic freedom and job security, but gratuitously found that my writings “do not reflect the values of Cornell Law School” as the dean has “articulated them.” The administration never gave me an opportunity to be heard on that damaging accusation, much less a process to challenge it. That statement serves as a warning to unprotected faculty, staff and students who may disagree with BLM to keep their views to themselves.

Additionally, we have have updates on the coronavirus:

A peak of the Centers for Disease Control weekly COVID-19 death totals reveals a substantially less grim picture. Here are the weekly totals of COVID-deaths nationwide, which show a significant drop from the mid-April highs of 17,000/week.


And, if you want to compare annual death totals, here are some real killers to address in California:


Looking at the totals, there have been 7,000 pneumonia-like COVID deaths so far, with the rate of death plummeting. And, in 2017, there were about 6300 pneumonia deaths for that year. While needless death is tragic, shutting down the state’s economy for COVID based on the numbers that are occurring seems ill-considered at this time. Furthermore, continued closures will likely lead to far more physical illness and mental health issues due to the consequences of unemployment.

But, no matter. Few people can do viral virtual signaling better than Newsom.

And, if there is time, we will provide an update on the US Navy ship that is burning in San Diego harbor!

So please tune in for a HOT show!

It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this Thursday, April 9th.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central/ 1 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.

The focus will be the coronavirus:

LI #30 Coronavirus Model

Wuhan Virus Watch: Cuomo Now Says New York has Enough Ventilators

Wuhan Virus Watch: Democratic Michigan State Representative Credits Trump, Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Cure

Wuhan Virus Watch: U.K. PM Boris Johnson Hospitalized

Wuhan Virus Watch: China Sending 1000 Ventilators to New York

Wuhan Virus Watch: McConnell says there will be 4th coronavirus bill

Dear Readers: It will be my pleasure to be the guest on Canto Talk this St. Patrick’s Day.  Please join Silvio Canto, Jr., and me at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central/ 1 pm Eastern by clicking HERE…or after for an archived podcast.

We will be joined by my son, Blake, who recently accepted an appointment to theUS Air Force Academy.

Blake Eastman Phil Alpert USAFA Nomination JPEG

Thanks to your support of his Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps efforts, Blake has received an offer of appointment to the US Air Force Academy (USAFA) and has accepted. He is planning to major in physics and is hoping to participate in the development of the military space program.

The photo above was taken at the Congressional Nomination Acceptance ceremony given in our district, hosted by Representative Scott Peters (CA52). Pictured with Blake is Air Force Academy Liaison Officer Phillip Alpert, who was a bedrock of support throughout the complicated and lengthy academy application process.

I want to take the opportunity to thank Peters’ staff and volunteers for their assistance as well. The nomination selection was entirely devoid of politics, and it was a quest for excellence on the part of the nominating committee. Anyone who has a son or daughter considering a service academy can take heart, knowing that party preference plays no role in this step.

I will also be providing an update on the Coronavirus pandemic, which I have been covering extensively for Legal Insurrection.

So pour some good Irish Whiskey and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the Canto Talk family!

Dear Friends: It will be my pleasure to be on the Canto Talk show on Thursday, Feb. 13th for our annual Valentine’s Day show with Silvio Canto, Jr. So please click HERE at 10 am Pacific/12 noon Central or 1 pm Eastern for the live show, or afterwards for the archived podcast.

While there will be a lot to discuss, the hottest topic is likely to be my son and his appointment to the US Air Force Academy.

Blake Eastman Phil Alpert USAFA Nomination JPEG

And, as I promised Silvio during our last show, there will be an update on the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.

We will also review the results of the New Hampshire Primary, and predict what who will be voted off “Primary Island” next!

As this is Valentine’s Day, we will share how to:

Send Valentine’s Day cards to young patients in children’s hospitals across the US

Please be our Valentine and join us for the show!!!